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Showing posts from August, 2020

How To Become A Web Developer

STEP 1: PICK THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO WORK IN WEB DEVELOPMENT Web developer jobs are typically skill-based (as opposed to requiring credentials like a tech-specific bachelor’s degree or even an associate’s degree), which means if you have the skills, you can do the job. Step one then on the road to web development: identify exactly what those skills are. In doing so, it’s important to note there are two categories of web developer jobs: front-end development and back-end development. FRONT END WEB DEVELOPMENT SKILLS HTML CSS JavaScript Front-end developers work with the visual parts of a website that users see and interact with through their web browser. According to Ana Martínez, Front-End Developer at digital production studio Commite Inc., there’s a trifecta of coding languages that serve as a backbone for any front-end developer career. Martine...

How to be Good at Programming in 6 easy steps

The best in their field are the ones who appreciate that there is always more to learn. Here are six steps to becoming a better programmer this year. Coding is an evolving discipline. That’s often what draws people to it – aside from the opportunity to work with some of the biggest companies in the world – but it also means that those in the industry need to constantly look forward. It’s not enough to get to grips with the most in-demand languages. If you want to advance in your career, you need to start thinking about how you can become a better programmer all-round, and these six steps are a good start (if I do say so myself). 1. Use the Feynman Technique The Feynman Technique is a mental model named after Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. It essentially boils down to identifying gaps in your knowledge by imagining you had to teach a concept in...